Portus Data Centers
Data Center

- Operational since: 2010
- Power available: up to 10 MW
- Floor load: 2.000 kg
- UPS systems: static and DRUPS
- Generator autonomy: 5 days
- Cooling redundancy: S+S
- IT room height: 4 m
- Raised floor: 0,8 m
- Equipment elevator: 3,6 tonnes
- Power to IT rooms: up to 15 kW/rack
- Server room temperature: ASHRAE
- Net size: 5.000 m2
- PUE: 1,4
- SLA: yes
- Tier IV certified by Uptime Institute
- ISO9001: Effective process
- ISO14001: Environmental controls
- OHSAS18001: Health & safety management
- ISO20000: Service management
- ISO27001: Security controls
- ISO50001: Energy management
- EN 50600-2: Technical infrastructure
- EU Code of Conduct
All these certifications are the quality proof and standard showing how the EDH Data Center has been designed and is operated. EDH became, in just two years, probaly the most certified site in Europe. As such accreditations are delivered by external and neutral auditors based on published rules and standards, available to everybody, they remain the best way to evaluate, in a fair and transparent manner, the real effectiveness and efficiency at which a data centre is operated.
- AT&T
- Belgacom
- BT
- cegecom
- Coditel
- Cogent
- Colt
- LuxConnect
- Numéricable
- Orange
- Post Luxembourg
- Telecom Luxembourg
- Verizon

Street Address: 12 Impasse Drosbach L-1882 Luxembourg
Interested in being hosted at Portus Data Centers?
Contact them, they will be happy to give you more information.